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This is a list of Modules that appear in Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA 2nd, as well as their unlock conditions.

Hatsune Miku[]

Image Module Name Unlock Conditions DIVA Points
Miku PjD2nd Thumb Hatsune Miku Available at the start. N/A
VintageDress PjD2nd Thumb Vintage Dress Clear "Romeo and Cinderella" on Normal difficulty. 15000
MikuButterfly PjD2nd Thumb Hatsune Miku Butterfly Clear "magnet" on Normal difficulty. 15000
Spiritual PjD2nd Thumb Spiritual Clear "Aikotoba" on Hard difficulty. 20000
OutAbout PjD2nd Thumb Out and About Clear "Sound" on Normal difficulty. 15000
LittleRed PjD2nd Thumb Little Red Clear "Clover♣Club" on Normal difficulty. 15000
MikuYellow PjD2nd Thumb Yellow Clear "Yellow" on Normal difficulty. 20000
MikuJersey PjD2nd Thumb Jersey Clear "Po Pi Po" on Normal difficulty. 15000
SchoolNoble PjD2nd Thumb School Noble Clear "Cantarella" on Normal difficulty. 15000
Powder PjD2nd Thumb Powder Clear "When First Love Ends" on Normal difficulty. 15000
Natural PjD2nd Thumb Natural Clear "Gigantic Girl" on Normal difficulty. 20000
WhiteGown PjD2nd Thumb White Gown Clear "Dear" on Normal difficulty. 15000
AileDAnge PjD2nd Thumb Aile d'Ange Clear "VOiCE -DIVA MIX-" on Normal difficulty. 15000
SpaceyNurse PjD2nd Thumb Spacey Nurse Clear "Love-Colored Ward" on Normal difficulty. 15000
MikuCute PjD2nd Thumb Hatsune Miku Cute Clear "Promise" on Normal difficulty. 15000
Angel PjD2nd Thumb Angel Clear "The First Sound" on Normal difficulty. 15000
SaihateMiku PjD2nd Thumb Saihate Miku Clear "Saihate" on Normal difficulty. 20000
PinkPops PjD2nd Thumb Pink Pops Clear "Look This Way, Baby" on Normal difficulty. 15000
PinkPopsAlt PjD2nd Thumb Pink Pops Alt. Clear "Look This Way, Baby" on Normal difficulty. 15000
ColorfulGumdrop PjD2nd Thumb Colorful Gumdrop Clear "Colorful × Melody" on Normal difficulty 20000
Infinity PjD2nd Thumb Clear "The Intense Voice of Hatsune Miku" on Normal difficulty. 20000
MikuSwimwearB PjD2nd Thumb Hatsune Miku Swimwear B Clear all songs on Hard difficulty. 50000
MeikoStyle PjD2nd Thumb Meiko Style Clear "Miracle Paint" on Hard difficulty.[note 1] 10000
RinStyle PjD2nd Thumb Rin Style Clear "Song of Life" on Normal difficulty.[note 1] 10000
SpaceChan5 PjD2nd Thumb Space Channel 5 Clear "I'll Miku-Miku You♪ (For Reals)" on Hard difficulty.[note 1] 10000
SpaceChan39 PjD2nd Thumb Space Channel 39 Clear "I'll Miku-Miku You♪ (For Reals)" on Normal difficulty.[note 1] 10000
Gallia7 PjD2nd Thumb Gallia Squad 7 Clear "A Song of Wastelands, Forests, and Magic" on Normal difficulty.[note 1] 10000
Cheerleader PjD2nd Thumb Cheerleader Clear "Dear cocoa girls" on Normal difficulty.[note 1] 10000
PlugIn PjD2nd Thumb Plug-In Clear "Marginal" on Hard difficulty.[note 1] 10000
Gothic PjD2nd Thumb Gothic Clear "Velvet Arabesque" on Hard difficulty.[note 1] 10000
Princess PjD2nd Thumb Princess Clear "The World is Mine" on Hard difficulty.[note 1] 10000
Miko PjD2nd Thumb Miko Clear "Song of Life" on Hard difficulty.[note 1] 10000
KittyCat PjD2nd Thumb Kitty Cat Clear "White Dove" on Hard difficulty.[note 1] 10000
SleepyTime PjD2nd Thumb Sleepy Time Clear "Marginal" on Normal difficulty.[note 1] 10000
HeartHunter PjD2nd Thumb Heart Hunter Clear "The World is Mine" on Normal difficulty.[note 1] 10000
Vocal PjD2nd Thumb Vocal Clear "Packaged" on Normal difficulty.[note 1] 10000
Punk PjD2nd Thumb Punk Clear "Strobe Nights" on Hard difficulty.[note 1] 10000
Dancer PjD2nd Thumb Dancer Clear "Updating My Love List?" on Hard difficulty.[note 1] 10000
Star PjD2nd Thumb Star Clear "Packaged" on Hard difficulty.[note 1] 10000
Fairy PjD2nd Thumb Fairy Clear "Beware of the Miku Miku Germs♪" on Normal difficulty.[note 1] 10000
MikuSchool PjD2nd Thumb School Clear "The secret garden" on Hard difficulty.[note 1] 10000
Snow PjD2nd Thumb Snow Clear "Strobe Nights" on Normal difficulty.[note 1] 10000
Arabian PjD2nd Thumb Arabian Clear "Velvet Arabesque" on Normal difficulty.[note 1] 10000
Miyabi PjD2nd Thumb Miyabi Clear "Beware of the Miku Miku Germs♪" on Hard difficulty.[note 1] 10000
ChineseDebut PjD2nd Thumb Chinese Debut Clear "Updating My Love List?" on Normal difficulty.[note 1] 10000
Magician PjD2nd Thumb Magician Clear "Miracle Paint" on Normal difficulty.[note 1] 10000
WhiteDress PjD2nd Thumb White Dress Clear "Melt" on Normal difficulty.[note 1] 10000
Pirate PjD2nd Thumb Pirate Clear "White Dove" on Normal difficulty.[note 1] 10000
VN02 PjD2nd Thumb VN02 Clear "moon" on Normal difficulty.[note 1] 10000
Galaxy PjD2nd Thumb Galaxy Clear "moon" on Hard difficulty.[note 1] 10000
MikuSwimwearS PjD2nd Thumb Hatsune Miku Swimwear S Clear "Melt" on Hard difficulty.[note 1] 10000
MikuSwimwear PjD2nd Thumb Hatsune Miku Swimwear Clear all songs on Normal difficulty.[note 1] 10000
Ha2neMiku PjD2nd Thumb Ha2ne Miku Clear "The secret garden" on Normal difficulty.[note 1] 10000
PStylePB PjD2nd Thumb P-Style PB Clear all songs on Easy difficulty.[note 1] 10000
PStyleCW PjD2nd Thumb P-Style CW Clear all songs on Easy difficulty.[note 1] 10000
PStyleIS PjD2nd Thumb P-Style IS Clear all songs on Easy difficulty.[note 1] 10000
PStyleRP PjD2nd Thumb P-Style RP Clear all songs on Easy difficulty.[note 1] 10000
PStyleLP PjD2nd Thumb P-Style LP Clear all songs on Easy difficulty.[note 1] 10000
PStyleFB PjD2nd Thumb P-Style FB Clear all songs on Easy difficulty.[note 1] 10000
PStyleMG PjD2nd Thumb P-Style MG Clear all songs on Easy difficulty.[note 1] 10000
PStyleCG PjD2nd Thumb P-Style CG Clear all songs on Easy difficulty.[note 1] 10000

Kagamine Rin[]

Image Module Name Unlock Conditions DIVA Points
Rin PjD2nd Thumb Kagamine Rin Available at the start. N/A
AsymmetricR PjD2nd Thumb Asymmetric R Clear "Gemini" on Normal difficulty. 15000
Reactor PjD2nd Thumb Reactor Clear "Roshin Yukai" on Normal difficulty. 20000
RoFStyle PjD2nd Thumb RoF Style Clear "Roshin Yukai" on Hard difficulty. 20000
RinCute PjD2nd Thumb Kagamine Rin Cute Clear "Promise" on Normal difficulty. 15000
CheerfulCandy PjD2nd Thumb Cheerful Candy Clear "Colorful × Melody" on Normal difficulty. 20000
RinSwimwearT PjD2nd Thumb Kagamine Rin Swimwear T Clear all songs on Hard difficulty. 50000
RinSwimwear PjD2nd Thumb Kagamine Rin Swimwear Clear all songs on Normal difficulty.[note 1] 30000

Kagamine Len[]

Image Module Name Unlock Conditions DIVA Points
Len PjD2nd Thumb Kagamine Len Available at the start. N/A
Punkish PjD2nd Thumb Punkish Clear "Butterfly on Your Right Shoulder" on Normal difficulty. 15000
SchoolJersey PjD2nd Thumb School Jersey Clear "Butterfly on Your Right Shoulder" on Hard difficulty. 15000
AsymmetricL PjD2nd Thumb Asymmetric L Clear "Gemini" on Normal difficulty. 15000
LenSwimwearWS PjD2nd Thumb Kagamine Len Swimwear WS Clear all songs on Hard difficulty. 50000
LenSwimwear PjD2nd Thumb Kagamine Len Swimwear Clear all songs on Normal difficulty.[note 1] 30000

Megurine Luka[]

Image Module Name Unlock Conditions DIVA Points
Luka PjD2nd Thumb Megurine Luka Available at the start. N/A
LukaBlossom PjD2nd Thumb Megurine Luka Blossom Clear "Magnet" on Normal difficulty. 15000
ChiffonDress PjD2nd Thumb Chiffon Dress Clear "Just Be Friends" on Normal difficulty. 15000
Fraulein PjD2nd Thumb Fräulein Clear "Just Be Friends" on Hard difficulty. 15000
HardRock PjD2nd Thumb Hard Rock Clear "Double Lariat" on Normal difficulty. 15000
VFSuit PjD2nd Thumb VF Suit Clear "Double Lariat" on Hard difficulty. 20000
LukaSwimwearP PjD2nd Thumb Megurine Luka Swimwear P Clear all songs on Hard difficulty. 50000
LukaSwimwear PjD2nd Thumb Megurine Luka Swimwear Clear all songs on Normal difficulty.[note 1] 30000


Image Module Name Unlock Conditions DIVA Points
KAITO PjD2nd Thumb KAITO Clear "Yellow" on Normal difficulty.[note 1] N/A
KAITOClassic PjD2nd Thumb Classic Clear "Cantarella" on Normal difficulty. 15000
Campus PjD2nd Thumb Campus Clear "I Really Do Understand" on Hard difficulty. 15000
CyberCat PjD2nd Thumb Cyber Cat Clear "The First Sound" on Hard difficulty. 15000
KAITOSwimwearV PjD2nd Thumb KAITO Swimwear V Clear all songs on Hard difficulty. 50000
KAITOSwimwearVAlt PjD2nd Thumb KAITO Swimwear V Alt. Clear all songs on Hard difficulty. 50000
KAITOSwimwear PjD2nd Thumb KAITO Swimwear Clear all songs on Normal difficulty.[note 1] 30000


Image Module Name Unlock Conditions DIVA Points
MEIKO PjD2nd Thumb MEIKO Clear "from Y to Y" on Normal difficulty.[note 1] N/A
FluffyCoat PjD2nd Thumb Fluffy Coat Clear "from Y to Y" on Hard difficulty. 15000
Scarlet PjD2nd Thumb Scarlet Clear "Change Me" on Normal difficulty. 15000
ModernGirl PjD2nd Thumb Modern Girl Clear "Change Me" on Hard difficulty. 15000
ModernGirlAlt PjD2nd Thumb Modern Girl Alt. Clear "Change Me" on Hard difficulty. 15000
MEIKOSwimwearB PjD2nd Thumb MEIKO Swimwear B Clear all songs on Hard difficulty. 50000
MEIKOSwimwear PjD2nd Thumb MEIKO Swimwear Clear all songs on Normal difficulty.[note 1] 30000


Image Module Name Unlock Conditions DIVA Points
Neru PjD2nd Thumb Akita Neru Clear "Gigantic Girl" on Normal difficulty.[note 1] N/A
Aborigine PjD2nd Thumb Aborigine Clear "Gigantic Girl" on Hard difficulty. 20000
NeruSwimwear PjD2nd Thumb Akita Neru Swimwear Clear all songs on Hard difficulty. 50000
Haku PjD2nd Thumb Yowane Haku Clear "A Song of Wastelands, Forests, and Magic" on Normal difficulty.[note 1] N/A
CyberDive PjD2nd Thumb Cyber Dive Clear "A Song of Wastelands, Forests, and Magic" on Hard difficulty. 20000
HakuSwimwear PjD2nd Thumb Yowane Haku Swimwear Clear all songs on Hard difficulty. 50000
Sakine PjD2nd Thumb Sakine Meiko Clear "Dear cocoa girls" on Normal difficulty.[note 1] N/A
BlackDress PjD2nd Thumb Black Dress Clear "Dear cocoa girls" on Hard difficulty. 20000
SakineSwimwear PjD2nd Thumb Sakine Meiko Swimwear Clear all songs on Hard difficulty. 50000

DLC Modules[]

Image Module Name Price
Released on 31 August 2010
ModuleExtra PjD2nd Thumb Hatsune Miku Append ¥300
Released on 28 October 2010
ModuleExtra PjD2nd Thumb Hatsune Miku Haruka Style ¥1,000
ModuleExtra PjD2nd Thumb Kagamine Rin Ami Mami Style
ModuleExtra PjD2nd Thumb Megurine Luka Chihaya Style
Released on 4 November 2010
ModuleExtra PjD2nd Thumb Taisho Nostalgia ¥300
Released on 30 November 2010
ModuleExtra PjD2nd Thumb Hatsune Miku Christmas ¥300
¥1,200 (in bundle)
ModuleExtra PjD2nd Thumb Kagamine Rin Christmas
ModuleExtra PjD2nd Thumb Kagamine Len Christmas
ModuleExtra PjD2nd Thumb Megurine Luka Christmas
ModuleExtra PjD2nd Thumb KAITO Christmas
ModuleExtra PjD2nd Thumb MEIKO Christmas
Released on 22 December 2010
ModuleExtra PjD2nd Thumb Kagamine Rin School Outfit ¥300
ModuleExtra PjD2nd Thumb Kagamine Len School Outfit
Released on 27 January 2011
ModuleExtra PjD2nd Thumb Witch Girl Style ¥300
ModuleExtra PjD2nd Thumb Snow Miku 2010
ModuleExtra PjD2nd Thumb Snow Miku 2011
Released on 17 February 2011
ModuleExtra PjD2nd Thumb White Blazer ¥300
Released on 11 October 2011
ModuleExtra PjD2nd Thumb Kasane Teto ¥300


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.28 1.29 1.30 1.31 1.32 1.33 1.34 1.35 1.36 1.37 1.38 1.39 1.40 1.41 1.42 1.43 1.44 1.45 1.46 1.47 1.48 Modules that debuted in the first Project DIVA game can be unlocked automatically in Project DIVA 2nd at zero cost if a save file for the first game is detected.

Main article | Modules | Credits | Re-releases (Dreamy Theater 2nd)