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 What is being worked on: Prices for DLC Modules in Tawianese/Asian release

This is a list of Modules that appear in Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F 2nd, as well as their unlock conditions.

Hatsune Miku[]

Image Module Name Unlock Conditions DIVA Points
Miku PjDF2nd Hatsune Miku Available at the start. N/A
Module append miku-0 Hatsune Miku Append Clear 35 songs using Miku.[note 1] 8000
Module v3 Hatsune Miku V3 Clear 39 songs using Miku. 25000
Module avantguard Avant-garde Clear "Akatsuki Arrival" on any difficulty. 20000
Untitled (9) Rainbow Lines Clear "Glory 3usi9" on any difficulty. 20000
Module yurufuwa-0 Puffy Pastels Clear "Glory 3usi9" five times on any difficulty. 25000
Module blessyou Breathe With You Clear "Two Breaths Walking" on any difficulty. 20000
Module mikuzukin Little Red Clear "Clover♣Club" on any difficulty. 20000
Module magician Magician Clear "Miracle Paint" on any difficulty. 20000
Untitled (7) Hana-Kotoba Clear "Pinky Swear" on any difficulty. 20000
Untitled (8) Kasha Clear "Pinky Swear" five times on any difficulty. 20000
Module colorful Colorful Gumdrop Clear "Colorful × Melody" on any difficulty. 20000
Untitled (4) Regret Clear "Clockwork Clown" on any difficulty. 20000
Untitled (6) Marionette Clear "Clockwork Clown" on any difficulty. 30000
Marionette Alt. F 2nd Marionette Alt. Clear "Clockwork Clown" on Hard difficulty. 20000
Liar (1) Liar Clear "Doubleganger" five times on any difficulty. 20000
Module gekkoageha Moonlight Butterfly Clear "Knife" on any difficulty. 20000
Module school School Clear "Sakura Rain" on any difficulty. 20000
Module siren Siren Clear "This is the Happiness and Peace of Mind Committee" on any difficulty. 20000
Rosa Bianca (1) Rosa Bianca Clear "Cantarella ~Grace Edition~ five times on any difficulty. 20000
Rosa Bianca Alt. F 2nd Rosa Bianca Alt. Get a total MAX combo of 500 notes throughout multiple playthroughs of "Cantarella ~Grace Edition~". 30000
Module orbit Orbit Clear "SPiCa -39's Giving Day Edition-" on any difficulty. 20000
Module vintage Vintage Dress Clear "Romeo and Cinderella" on any difficulty. 20000
Meteorite (1) Meteorite Clear "Meteor" on any difficulty. 20000
Module rasetsu Demons and the Dead Clear "Close and Open, Demons and The Dead" on any difficulty. 20000
Module urbanpop Urban Pop Clear "Kagerou Daze" on any difficulty. 20000
Module conflict Conflicted Clear "Two-Sided Lovers" on any difficulty. 20000
Chat Noir (2) Chat Noir Clear "Envy Cat Walk" on any difficulty. 20000
Chat Noir Alt F2 Chat Noir Alt. Clear "Envy Cat Walk" five times on any difficulty. 30000
Supreme (2) Supreme Clear "The World is Mine" on any difficulty. 20000
Orange Blossom (2) Orange Blossom Clear "Decorator" on any difficulty. 20000
Module mugen Clear "The Intense Voice of Hatsune Miku" on any difficulty. 20000
Module dimension Dimensional Clear "2D Dream Fever" on any difficulty. 20000
Module chou Hatsune Miku Butterfly Clear "Akatsuki Arrival" on Hard difficulty. 25000
Module osanpo Out and About Clear "Packaged" on any difficulty. 25000
Module noble School Noble Clear "The World is Mine" on Hard difficulty. 25000
Module natural Natural Get a total MAX combo of 500 notes throughout multiple playthroughs of "Melt". 25000
Module gothic Gothic Clear "2D Dream Fever" on Hard difficulty. 25000
Module nyanko Kitty Cat Clear "Kagerou Daze" five times on any difficulty. 25000
Module whitedress White Dress Clear "Melt" on any difficulty. 20000
Module hearthunter Heart Hunter Clear "I'll Miku-Miku You♪ (For Reals)" on any difficulty. 25000
Module magical Magical Mirai Clear 39 songs. 25000
Module pierretta Pierretta Clear "Clockwork Clown" while using the recommended Modules.[note 1] 7000
Module darkangel-0 Dark Angel Clear "This is the Happiness and Peace of Mind Committee" five times on any difficulty.[note 1] 7000
Module pansy Pansy Clear "Packaged" five times on any difficulty.[note 1] 7000
Module summer Summer Memories Clear "SPiCa -39's Giving Day Edition-" while using the recommended Module.[note 1] 7000
Module innocent-0 Innocent Clear "Romeo and Cinderella" five times on any difficulty.[note 1] 7000
Module solitude-0 Solitude Clear "Clockwork Clown" on all difficulties.[note 1] 7000
Module rikei Lab Girl Clear "SPiCa -39's Giving Day Edition-" five times on any difficulty.[note 1] 7000
Module ageha Violet Butterfly Clear "Miracle Paint" five times on any difficulty.[note 1] 7000
Module memoria Memoria Clear "Close and Open, Demons and The Dead" five times on any difficulty.[note 1] 7000
Module starvoice Star Vocalist Clear "Meteor" five times on any difficulty.[note 1] 7000
Module deepsky Deep Sky Clear "Sakura Rain" five times on any difficulty.[note 1] 7000
Module suigyoku-0 Emerald Clear "Two-Sided Lovers" five times on any difficulty.[note 1] 7000
Module fonewearl FOnewearl Style Clear 35 songs using Miku.[note 1] 8000
Module nekoneko-0 Kitty Cape Clear "Clover♣Club" five times on any difficulty.[note 1] 7000
Module agitation Agitation Clear "2D Dream Fever" five times on any difficulty.[note 1] 7000
Module heartbeat Heartbeat Clear "Melt" five times on any difficulty.[note 1] 7000
Module holy Divine Goddess Clear "This is the Happiness and Peace of Mind Committee" while using the recommended Module.[note 1] 7000
Module hellogoodnight-0 Hello, Good Night. Clear "Two Breaths Walking" five times on any difficulty.[note 1] 7000
Module kojocho Factory Tyrant Clear "The Intense Voice of Hatsune Miku" five times on any difficulty.[note 1] 7000
Module linkage Linkage Clear "Decorator" five times on any difficulty.[note 1] 7000
Module honeywhip Honey Whip Clear "The World is Mine" while using the Stealthy Target challenge item.[note 1] 7000
Module rinchan1 Rin-chan's #1 Fan Clear "2D Dream Fever" while using the recommended Module.[note 1] 7000
Module ouka Ichi-no-Sakura Blossom Clear "Sakura Rain" on Hard difficulty.[note 1] 7000
Module racingmiku2012-0 Racing Miku 2012 Ver. Clear 35 songs using Miku.[note 1] 8000
Dlc module yukimiku2013 Snow Miku 2013 Clear 30 songs using Miku. 8000
Dlc module yukimiku2013as Snow Miku 2013 Alt. Clear 30 songs using Miku. 8000
Module school ribbongirl Ribbon Girl Clear 40 songs using Miku.[note 1] 8000
Module school running Running Miku Clear 40 songs using Miku.[note 1] 8000
Module yukata miku-0 Yukata Style Clear 39 songs using Miku.[note 1] 8000
Module mizutama Polka Dot Bikini Clear 45 songs using Miku.[note 1] 10000
Module sw school miku-0 Swimsuit Clear 45 songs using Miku.[note 1] 10000

Kagamine Rin[]

Image Module Name Unlock Conditions DIVA Points
Rin PjDF2nd Kagamine Rin Available at the start. N/A
Module append rin-0 Kagamine Rin Append Clear 35 songs using Rin.[note 1] 8000
Module panda Dreaming Panda Clear "Love-Hate" on any difficulty. 20000
Module cheerful Cheerful Candy Clear "Colorful × Melody" on any difficulty. 20000
Module faker Faker Clear "Doubleganger" on any difficulty. 20000
Module reactor Reactor Clear "Roshin Yukai" on any difficulty. 20000
Module himawari Sunflower Clear "Knife" on any difficulty. 20000
Module soleil Soleil Clear "Soundless Voice" five times on any difficulty. 20000
Module suou Raspberry Clear "Kokoro" five times on any difficulty. 25000
Raspberry Fox F 2nd Raspberry Fox Clear "Kokoro" on Hard difficulty. 30000
Module kagerou Heat Haze Clear "Roshin Yukai" on Hard difficulty. 25000
Module fairy Fairy Dress Clear "Kokoro" on any difficulty. 25000
Module melancholy-0 Melancholy Clear "Colorful × Melody" on Hard difficulty.[note 1] 7000
Module transmitter-0 Transmitter Clear "Doubleganger" on Hard difficulty.[note 1] 7000
Module ame Ame Clear "Knife" while using the recommended Modules.[note 1] 7000
Module ougetsu Sakura Moon Clear "Roshin Yukai" five times on any difficulty.[note 1] 7000
Module scissors-0 Scissors Clear "Roshin Yukai" while using the recommended Module.[note 1] 7000
Module kochou Ni-no-Sakura Butterfly Clear "Colorful × Melody" while using the recommended Modules.[note 1] 7000
Ni-no-Sakura Butterfly Alt. Clear "Colorful × Melody" while using the Stealthy Target challenge item.[note 1] 7000
Module puyo-0 Apprentice Magician Clear 35 songs using Rin.[note 1] 8000
Module school tradschool Trad School Clear 40 songs using Rin.[note 1] 8000
Module school stylish r Stylish Energy R Clear 40 songs using Rin.[note 1] 8000
Module yukata rin-0 Yukata Style Clear 40 songs using Rin.[note 1] 8000
Module shimashima Striped Bikini Clear 45 songs using Rin.[note 1] 10000
Module sw school rin-0 School Swimwear Clear 45 songs using Rin.[note 1] 10000
Module rinfuture Future Style Clear 30 songs using Rin.[note 1] 30000

Kagamine Len[]

Image Module Name Unlock Conditions DIVA Points
Kagamine Len F 2nd Kagamine Len Available at the start. N/A
Module append len-0 Kagamine Len Append Clear 35 songs using Len.[note 1] 8000
Module shirokuma Polar Bear in Love Clear "Love-Hate" on any difficulty. 20000
Module ayasaki Thorned Rose Clear "Knife" on Hard difficulty. 20000
Module ciel Ciel Clear "Soundless Voice" on any difficulty. 20000
Module eraser Eraser Clear "Erase or Zero" on any difficulty. 20000
Module strangedark Strangely Dark Clear "Paradichlorobenzene" on any difficulty. 20000
Module aitetsu Indigo Clear "Soundless Voice" while using the recommended Modules. 25000
Indigo Fox F 2nd Indigo Fox Get a total MAX combo of 500 notes throughout multiple playthroughs of "Soundless Voice". 30000
Module punkish Punkish Clear "Paradichlorobenzene" while using the recommended Module. 25000
School Jersey F 2nd School Jersey Clear "Love-Hate" while using the Cool Perfectionist+ challenge item. 25000
Module whiteedge White Edge Clear "Paradichlorobenzene" while using the Bird's Nest head accessory. 25000
Module starmine-0 Starmine Clear "Soundless Voice" on Hard difficulty.[note 1] 7000
Module reciever-0 Receiver Clear "Love-Hate" on Hard difficulty.[note 1] 7000
Module hougetsu Phoenix Moon Get a total MAX combo of 712 notes throughout multiple playthroughs of "Knife".[note 1] 7000
Module tsuru Crane Clear "Love-Hate" while using the recommended Modules.[note 1] 7000
Module badboy Bad Boy Clear "Paradichlorobenzene" six times on any difficulty.[note 1] 7000
Bad Boy Alt. Clear "Paradichlorobenzene" on Hard difficulty.[note 1] 9000
Module tricker-0 Trickster Clear "Miracle Paint" while using the Chaos Storm challenge item.[note 1] 7000
Module senbu Ni-no-Sakura Fan Dance Clear "Love-Hate" on all difficulties.[note 1] 7000
Module school seitokai Student Council Officer Clear 40 songs using Len.[note 1] 8000
Module school stylish l Stylish Energy L Clear 40 songs using Len.[note 1] 8000
Module yukata len-0 Yukata Style Clear 40 songs using Len.[note 1] 8000
Module sw school len-0 Swimshorts Clear 45 songs using Len.[note 1] 8000

Megurine Luka[]

Image Module Name Unlock Conditions DIVA Points
Luka PjDF2nd Megurine Luka Available at the start. N/A
Successor F2nd Successor Clear "Akatsuki Arrival" on any difficulty. 20000
Module temptation Temptation Clear "Blackjack" on any difficulty. 20000
Temptation Alt. F 2nd Temptation Alt. Clear "Blackjack" on Hard difficulty. 30000
Cybernation F 2nd Cybernation Clear "Luka Luka ★ Night Fever" on any difficulty. 20000
Module recruiter Recruiter Clear "Hello, Worker" on any difficulty. 20000
Module majokko Witch Girl Style Clear "Hello, Worker" on Hard difficulty. 25000
Module hana Megurine Luka Blossom Clear "Akatsuki Arrival" while using the recommended Modules. 25000
Module fraulein Fräulein Clear "Blackjack" while using the recommended Module. 25000
Module hardrock Hard Rock Clear "Double Lariat" on any difficulty. 20000
VF Suit F 2nd VF Suit Clear "Double Lariat" while using the Nano-targeter challenge item. 25000
Module floral Floral Clear "Luka Luka ★ Night Fever" while using the recommended Module. 25000
Module etarnal Eternal White Clear "Double Lariat" five times on any difficulty.[note 1] 7000
Module amour-0 Amour Clear "Blackjack" five times on any difficulty.[note 1] 7000
Module yurufuwa Light & Casual Clear "Hello, Worker" five times on any difficulty.[note 1] 7000
Module kougyoku-0 Ruby Clear "Luka Luka ★ Night Fever" five times on any difficulty.[note 1] 7000
Module rinchan2 Rin-chan's #2 Fan Clear "Hello, Worker" while using the recommended Module.[note 1] 7000
Module fuuka San-no-Sakura Maple Clear "Akatsuki Arrival" while using the Overclocker challenge item.[note 1] 7000
Module wood nymph Wood Nymph Clear 35 songs using Luka.[note 1] 8000
Module school houkago After School Mode Clear 40 songs using Luka.[note 1] 8000
Module school queenbee Queen Bee Clear 40 songs using Luka.[note 1] 8000
Module yukata luka-0 Yukata Style Clear 40 songs using Luka.[note 1] 8000
Module resort Resort Bikini Clear 45 songs using Luka.[note 1] 10000
Module sw school luka-0 Racing Swimsuit Clear 45 songs using Luka.[note 1] 10000


Image Module Name Unlock Conditions DIVA Points
KAITO PjDF2nd KAITO Available at the start. N/A
Module kaitov3 KAITO V3 Clear 40 songs using KAITO. 25000
Module shigure Shigure Clear "Wintry Winds" on any difficulty. 20000
Module sumire Violet Clear "Thousand Year Solo (DIVA Edit)" on any difficulty. 20000
Module rosablue Rosa Blue Clear "Cantarella ~Grace Edition~" on any difficulty. 20000
Rosa Blue Alt. F 2nd Rosa Blue Alt. Clear "Cantarella ~Grace Edition~" while using the recommended Modules. 30000
Module originator Originator Clear "Erase or Zero" on any difficulty. 20000
Module whiteblazer White Blazer Get a total MAX combo of 1,000 notes throughout multiple playthroughs of "Thousand Year Solo (DIVA Edit)". 25000
Module nekocyber Cyber Cat Clear "Erase or Zero" with 0 notes in Cool, Good, Safe, Bad or Miss. 25000
Module holiday Holiday Clear "Thousand Year Solo (DIVA Edit)" while using the recommended Module. 25000
Module guilty-0 Guilty Clear "Cantarella ~Grace Edition~" on Hard difficulty.[note 1] 7000
Module requiem-0 Requiem Clear "Thousand Year Solo (DIVA Edit)" on Hard difficulty.[note 1] 7000
Module general-0 General Clear "Erase or Zero" on Hard difficulty.[note 1] 7000
General Alt. Clear "Erase or Zero" while using the recommended Modules.[note 1] 9000
Module sousetsu Rei-no-Sakura Azure Snow Clear "Erase or Zero" while using the Overclocker challenge item.[note 1] 7000
Module school gakuran School Uniform★Parka Clear 45 song using KAITO.[note 1] 8000
Module school genius Genius Clear 40 song using KAITO.[note 1] 8000
Module yukata kaito-0 Yukata Style Clear 40 songs using KAITO.[note 1] 8000
Module sw school kaito-0 Half Tights Clear 45 songs using KAITO.[note 1] 10000


Image Module Name Unlock Conditions DIVA Points
MEIKO PjDF2nd MEIKO Available at the start. N/A
Module momiji Momiji Clear "Wintry Winds" on any difficulty. 20000
Module blazing Blazing Clear "Break It, Break It!" on any difficulty. 20000
Meiko 12 Lorelei Get a total MAX combo of 500 notes throughout multiple playthroughs of "Break It, Break It!" 25000
Module taisho Taisho Nostalgia Clear "Wintry Winds" on all difficulties. 25000
Module fuwafuwacoat Fluffy Coat Clear "Break It, Break It!" on Hard difficulty. 25000
Module scarlet Scarlet Clear "Break It, Break It!" while using the Chaos Storm challenge item. 25000
Module marineribbon Marine Ribbons Clear "Wintry Winds" while using the recommended Modules. 25000
Module noel Noel Rouge Clear "Wintry Winds" on Hard difficulty.[note 1] 7000
Module bluecrystal-0 Blue Crystal Clear "Break It, Break It!" five times on any difficulty.[note 1] 7000
Module benitsubaki Rei-no-Sakura Camellia Clear "Pinky Swear" on Hard difficulty.[note 1] 7000
Module bb-0 Border Break Operator Clear 35 songs using MEIKO.[note 1] 8000
Module school graduate Graduate Clear 40 songs using MEIKO.[note 1] 8000
Module school whistle Whistle Clear 40 songs using MEIKO.[note 1] 8000
Module yukata meiko-0 Yukata Style Clear 40 songs using MEIKO.[note 1] 8000
Module longpareo-0 Long Pareo Clear 45 songs using MEIKO.[note 1] 10000
Module sw school meiko-0 Water Polo Clear 45 songs using MEIKO.[note 1] 10000
Sakine Meiko F Sakine Meiko Clear 30 songs using MEIKO.[note 1] 7000

DLC Modules[]

Image Module Name Price
Released on 27 March 2014
Akita Neru F Akita Neru

¥571[note 2]

Yowane Haku F Yowane Haku
Kasane Teto F Kasane Teto
Released on 29 May 2014
Dlc module 03 01 Bunny Ears Hoodie
  • ¥278
  • ¥1,389 (in bundle)
Dlc module 03 02 Alparka Hoodie R
Dlc module 03 03 Alparka Hoodie L
Dlc module 03 04 Kitty Ears Hoodie
Dlc module 03 05 Fishy Overalls
Dlc module 03 06 Wooly Wear
Released on 26 June 2014
Dlc module 04 01 School Club Girl ¥278
¥1,389 (in bundle)
Dlc module 04 02 Gothic Purple
Dlc module 04 03 Nostalgia
Released on 31 July 2014
Dlc module 11 01 Hatsune Miku Swimwear
  • ¥278
  • ¥1,389 (in bundle)
Miku Swimwear Tan F 2nd Hatsune Miku Swimwear Tan
Dlc module 11 02 Kagamine Rin Swimwear
Rin Swimwear Tan F 2nd Kagamine Rin Swimwear Tan
Dlc module 11 03 Kagamine Len Swimwear
Len Swimwear Tan F 2nd Kagamine Len Swimwear Tan
Dlc module 11 04 Megurine Luka Swimwear P
Luka Swimwear P Tan F 2nd Megurine Luka Swimwear P Tan
Dlc module 11 05 KAITO Swimwear V
KAITO Swimwear V Tan F 2nd KAITO Swimwear V Tan
Dlc module 11 06 KAITO Swimwear V Alt.
KAITO Swimwear V Alt. Tan F 2nd KAITO Swimwear V Alt. Tan
Dlc module 11 07 MEIKO Swimwear
MEIKO Swimwear Tan F 2nd MEIKO Swimwear Tan
Released on 28 August 2014
Dlc module 04 05 Shiny ¥278
Dlc module 04 06 Type 2020 ¥278
Released on 24 September 2014
Mikudayo Mikudayo ¥463
Released on 30 September 2014
Dlc module 04 04 M.S.J ¥278
Released on 30 October 2014
Dlc module 06 01 Yellow ¥278
Dlc module 06 02 Sweet Pudding ¥278
Dlc module 06 03 Lin Xiao-Mei Costume ¥278
Released on 27 November 2014
Dlc module 05 01 Rolling Girl ¥278
Dlc module 02 01 Hatsune Miku Christmas
  • ¥278
  • ¥1,389 (in bundle)
Rin Christmas F 2nd Kagamine Rin Christmas
Len Christmas F 2nd Kagamine Len Christmas
Luka Christmas F 2nd Megurine Luka Christmas
KAITO Christmas F 2nd KAITO Christmas
MEIKO Christmas F 2nd MEIKO Christmas
Released on 25 December 2014
Dlc module 07 01 Black Star ¥278
Dlc module 07 02 Blue Moon ¥278
Released on 29 January 2015
Dlc module 08 01 Fairy Macaron ¥278
Dlc module 08 02 Megurine Luka Conflict ¥278
Dlc module 08 03 Nagisa Replica ¥278
Nagisa Replica Alt. F 2nd Nagisa Replica Alt.
Dlc module 08 04 Aile d'Ange ¥278
Dlc module 05 02 Chinese Debut ¥278
Americana F 2nd Americana ¥278
Released on 12 February 2015
Dlc module 09 01 Classic ¥278
Dlc module 09 02 Campus ¥278
Dlc module 09 03 Kagamine Rin Cute ¥278
Dlc module 09 04 Hatsune Miku Cute ¥278
Dlc module 11 08 Akita Neru Swimwear
  • ¥278
  • ¥926 (in bundle)
Dlc module 11 09 Yowane Haku Swimwear
Dlc module 11 10 Sakine Meiko Swimwear
Dlc module 11 11 Kasane Teto Swimwear
Released on 5 March 2015
Dlc module 10 01 Powder ¥278
Dlc module 10 02 Ha2ne Miku ¥278
Dlc module 08 05 Snow Miku 2015 ¥278
Released on 31 March 2015
Dlc module 12 01 Tyrol ¥278
Dlc module 12 02 Angel ¥278
Released on 24 June 2015
Dlc module 12 03 P-Style CG ¥278[note 3]

Image Module Name Price
Released on 18 November 2014 (US), 21 November 2014 (EU)
Akita Neru F Akita Neru
Yowane Haku F Yowane Haku
Kasane Teto F Kasane Teto
Americana F 2nd Americana
  • $1.99 (US)[note 4]
  • €1.49 (EU)
  • £1.19 (UK)
Released on 9 December 2014 (US), 10 December 2014
Dlc module 02 01 Hatsune Miku Christmas
  • $1.99 (US)
  • $9.99 (US; in bundle)
  • €1.49 (EU)
  • €7.99 (EU; in bundle)
  • £1.19 (UK)
  • £6.49 (UK; in bundle)
Rin Christmas F 2nd Kagamine Rin Christmas
Len Christmas F 2nd Kagamine Len Christmas
Luka Christmas F 2nd Megurine Luka Christmas
KAITO Christmas F 2nd KAITO Christmas
MEIKO Christmas F 2nd MEIKO Christmas
Released on 16 December 2014 (US), 17 December 2014 (EU)
Dlc module 03 01 Bunny Ears Hoodie
  • $1.99 (US)
  • $9.99 (US; in bundle)
  • €1.49 (EU)
  • €7.99 (EU; in bundle)
  • £1.19 (UK)
  • £6.49 (UK; in bundle)
Dlc module 03 02 Alparka Hoodie R
Dlc module 03 03 Alparka Hoodie L
Dlc module 03 04 Kitty Ears Hoodie
Dlc module 03 05 Fishy Overalls
Dlc module 03 06 Wooly Wear
Released on 20 January 2015 (US), 21 January 2015 (EU)
Dlc module 04 01 School Club Girl
  • $1.99 (US)
  • $5.99 (US; in bundle)
  • €1.49 (EU)
  • €4.99 (EU; in bundle)
  • £1.19 (UK)
  • £3.99 (UK; in bundle)
Dlc module 04 02 Gothic Purple
Dlc module 04 03 Nostalgia
Dlc module 04 04 M.S.J
Dlc module 04 05 Shiny
  • $1.99 (US)
  • €1.49 (EU)
  • £1.19 (UK)
Dlc module 04 06 Type 2020
  • $1.99 (US)
  • €1.49 (EU)
  • £1.19 (UK)
Released on 3 February 2015 (US), 4 February 2015 (EU)
Dlc module 05 01 Rolling Girl
  • $1.99 (US)
  • €1.49 (EU)
  • £1.19 (UK)
Mikudayo Mikudayo
  • $1.99 (US)
  • €1.49 (EU)
  • £1.19 (UK)
Dlc module 05 02 Chinese Debut
  • $1.99 (US)
  • €1.49 (EU)
  • £1.19 (UK)
Released on 17 February 2015 (US), 18 February 18 2015 (EU)
Dlc module 06 01 Yellow
  • $1.99 (US)
  • €1.49 (EU)
  • £1.19 (UK)
Dlc module 06 02 Sweet Pudding
  • $1.99 (US)
  • €1.49 (EU)
  • £1.19 (UK)
Dlc module 06 03 Lin Xiao-Mei Costume
  • $1.99 (US)
  • €1.49 (EU)
  • £1.19 (UK)
Released on 3 March 2015 (US), 4 March 2015 (EU)
Dlc module 07 01 Black Star
  • $1.99 (US)
  • €1.49 (EU)
  • £1.19 (UK)
Dlc module 07 02 Blue Moon
  • $1.99 (US)
  • €1.49 (EU)
  • £1.19 (UK)
Released on 17 March 2015 (US), 18 March 2015 (EU)
Dlc module 08 01 Fairy Macaron
  • $1.99 (US)
  • €1.49 (EU)
  • £1.19 (UK)
Dlc module 08 02 Megurine Luka Conflict
  • $1.99 (US)
  • €1.49 (EU)
  • £1.19 (UK)
Dlc module 08 03 Nagisa Replica
  • $1.99 (US)
  • €1.49 (EU)
  • £1.19 (UK)
Nagisa Replica Alt. F 2nd Nagisa Replica Alt.
Dlc module 08 04 Aile d'Ange
  • $1.99 (US)
  • €1.49 (EU)
  • £1.19 (UK)
Dlc module 08 05 Snow Miku 2015
  • $1.99 (US)
  • €1.49 (EU)
  • £1.19 (UK)
Released on 31 March 2015 (US), 8 April 2015 (EU)
Dlc module 09 01 Classic
  • $1.99 (US)
  • €1.49 (EU)
  • £1.19 (UK)
Dlc module 09 02 Campus
  • $1.99 (US)
  • €1.49 (EU)
  • £1.19 (UK)
Dlc module 09 03 Kagamine Rin Cute
  • $1.99 (US)
  • €1.49 (EU)
  • £1.19 (UK)
Dlc module 09 04 Hatsune Miku Cute
  • $1.99 (US)
  • €1.49 (EU)
  • £1.19 (UK)
Released on 14 April 2015 (US), 15 April 2015 (EU)
Dlc module 10 01 Powder
  • $1.99 (US)
  • €1.49 (EU)
  • £1.19 (UK)
Dlc module 10 02 Ha2ne Miku
  • $1.99 (US)
  • €1.49 (EU)
  • £1.19 (UK)
Released on 28 April 2015 (US), 29 April 2015 (EU)
Dlc module 11 01 Hatsune Miku Swimwear
  • $1.99 (US)
  • $9.99 (US; in bundle)
  • €1.49 (EU)
  • €7.99 (EU; in bundle)
  • £1.19 (UK)
  • £6.49 (UK; in bundle)
Miku Swimwear Tan F 2nd Hatsune Miku Swimwear Tan
Dlc module 11 02 Kagamine Rin Swimwear
Rin Swimwear Tan F 2nd Kagamine Rin Swimwear Tan
Dlc module 11 03 Kagamine Len Swimwear
Len Swimwear Tan F 2nd Kagamine Len Swimwear Tan
Dlc module 11 04 Megurine Luka Swimwear P
Luka Swimwear P Tan F 2nd Megurine Luka Swimwear P Tan
Dlc module 11 05 KAITO Swimwear V
KAITO Swimwear V Tan F 2nd KAITO Swimwear V Tan
Dlc module 11 06 KAITO Swimwear V Alt.
KAITO Swimwear V Alt. Tan F 2nd KAITO Swimwear V Alt. Tan
Dlc module 11 07 MEIKO Swimwear
MEIKO Swimwear Tan F 2nd MEIKO Swimwear Tan
Dlc module 11 08 Akita Neru Swimwear
  • $1.99 (US)
  • $5.99 (US; in bundle)
  • €1.49 (EU)
  • €4.49 (EU; in bundle)
  • £1.19 (UK)
  • £3.69 (UK; in bundle)
Dlc module 11 09 Yowane Haku Swimwear
Dlc module 11 10 Sakine Meiko Swimwear
Dlc module 11 11 Kasane Teto Swimwear
Released on 12 May 2015 (US), 13 May 2015 (EU)
Dlc module 12 01 Tyrol
  • $1.99 (US)
  • €1.49 (EU)
  • £1.19 (UK)
Dlc module 12 02 Angel
  • $1.99 (US)
  • €1.49 (EU)
  • £1.19 (UK)
Dlc module 12 03 P-Style CG
  • $1.99 (US)
  • €1.49 (EU)
  • £1.19 (UK)


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.28 1.29 1.30 1.31 1.32 1.33 1.34 1.35 1.36 1.37 1.38 1.39 1.40 1.41 1.42 1.43 1.44 1.45 1.46 1.47 1.48 1.49 1.50 1.51 1.52 1.53 1.54 1.55 1.56 1.57 1.58 1.59 1.60 1.61 1.62 1.63 1.64 1.65 1.66 1.67 1.68 1.69 1.70 1.71 1.72 1.73 1.74 1.75 1.76 1.77 1.78 1.79 1.80 1.81 1.82 1.83 1.84 1.85 1.86 1.87 1.88 Modules that appeared or debuted in Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F can be unlocked automatically in Project DIVA F 2nd at no cost if a save file for F is detected.
  2. 2.0 2.1 These DLC contents can be downloaded for free if they were purchased previously for Project DIVA F.
  3. This Module could be downloaded for free as part of a campaign from 31 March–23 June 2015 if all 16 DLC songs for Project DIVA F 2nd were purchased.
  4. 4.0 4.1 This DLC could be downloaded for free if Project DIVA F 2nd was pre-ordered at GameStop.
  5. This Module could be downloaded for free as part of a campaign from 28 May–23 June 2015 if all 16 DLC songs for Project DIVA F 2nd were purchased.
