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This is a list of Outfits that appear in Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai 2, as well as their unlock conditions.

Hatsune Miku[]

Image Outfit Name Unlock Conditions Mirai Points
Miku ProjectMirai2 Hatsune Miku Available at the start. N/A
Pmc shinkai shoujo Deep Sea Girl Clear "Deep Sea Girl" on any difficulty. 5000
DoubutsuUranai Miku Animal Fortune-telling Clear "Animal Fortune-telling" on any difficulty. 5000
Worldismine The World is Mine Clear "The World is Mine" on any difficulty. 5000
Ageage Ageage Again Clear "Ageage Again" on any difficulty. 5000
Miku CloverClub Mirai Clover♣Club Clear "Clover♣Club" on any difficulty. 5000
Pmc yume yume Yumeyume Clear "Yumeyume" on any difficulty. 5000
Doremifa Rondo Outfit Doremifa Rondo Clear "Doremifa Rondo" on any difficulty. 5000
Reverse rainbow OutfitM reverse rainbow Clear "reverse rainbow" on any difficulty. 5000
Miku HelloHowAreYou Hello/How are you? Clear "Hello/How are you?" on any difficulty. 5000
Pmc PIANO GIRL PIANO*GIRL Clear "PIANO*GIRL" on any difficulty. 5000
Cheerful Miku Mirai SING&SMILE Clear "SING&SMILE" on any difficulty. 5000
Mirai 2 costume - 1 6 1/6 -out of the gravity- Clear "1/6 -out of the gravity-" on any difficulty. 5000
MousouGirl Miku Mirai Mousou Sketch Clear "Mousou Sketch" on any difficulty. 5000
Conductor Nightingale Mirai 1925 Clear "1925" on any difficulty. 5000
Matryoshka Miku Matryoshka Clear "Matryoshka" on any difficulty. 5000
Princess Blanche Mirai Cendrillon Clear "Cendrillon" on any difficulty. 5000
Hello World Mirai 2 *Hello, Planet. Clear "*Hello, Planet." on any difficulty. 5000
RomeoCinderella Mirai Miku Romeo and Cinderella Clear "Romeo and Cinderella" on any difficulty. 5000
Pmc LOL LOL -lots of laugh- Clear "LOL -lots of laugh-" on any difficulty. 5000
Senbonzakuramirai Senbonzakura Clear "Senbonzakura" on any difficulty. 5000
Costume riria Gaikotsu Gakudan to Riria Clear "Gaikotsu Gakudan to Riria" on any difficulty. 5000
Costume arifureta ARIFURETA SEKAI SEIFUKU Clear "ARIFURETA SEKAI SEIFUKU" on any difficulty. 5000
Electric Love Mirai Electric Love Clear "Electric Love" on any difficulty. 5000
ElectricAngel Mirai Miku Electric Angel Clear "Electric Angel" on any difficulty. 5000
InterviewerMiku Mirai Interviewer Clear "Interviewer" on any difficulty. 5000
CA Miku Mirai Tricolore Airline Clear "Tricolore Airline" on any difficulty. 5000
PhantomThiefMiku Mirai Piano × Forte × Scandal Clear "Piano × Forte × Scandal" on any difficulty. 5000
Pmc kimi no taion Kimi no Taion Clear "Kimi no Taion" on any difficulty. 5000
Glow Outfit glow Clear "glow" on any difficulty. 5000
TripTheLightFantastic Mirai shake it! Clear "shake it!" on any difficulty. 5000
Pmc yuki miku fluffy coat Ver. Snow Miku: Fluffy Coat Clear 20 songs on any difficulty. 20000
SnowMiku2013 Mirai Snow Miku: White Kimono Purchase the Snow Miku: White Kimono figurine from the Mirai Mall and place it in a character's room. 20000
SnowMiku2013 Alt Mirai Snow Miku White Kimono Alt. N/A
Mirai 2 costume - sakuramiku Sakura Miku Purchase the Sakura Miku figurine from the Mirai Mall and place it in a character's room. 5000
Santa Santa Miku Watch the ending credits. 15000
Pmc mi-crystal☆ MiCrystal☆ Clear a song with all SP notes obtained on any difficulty. 20000
SugarSoldier Outfit Sugar*Soldier Uniform Clear 40 songs on any difficulty. 10000
Miku Arle Outfit Arle Clear the PuyoPuyo 39! minigame with Miku. 10000
Costume yukata miku Yukata Select "Dress-Up" on the main menu with Miku as the partner. 15000
PajamaPartyMiku Mirai Pajamas Raise Miku's affection level to MAX level. 10000
GradationResort Mirai Swimsuit N/A[note 1]

Kagamine Rin[]

Image Outfit Name Unlock Conditions Mirai Points
Kagamine Rin Mirai Kagamine Rin Available at the start. N/A
Costume sweet Sweet Magic Clear "Sweet Magic" on any difficulty. 5000
DoubutsuUranai Rin Animal Fortune-telling Clear "Animal Fortune-telling" on any difficulty. 5000
Costume amatsukitsune Amatsu Kitsune Clear "Amatsu Kitsune" on any difficulty. 5000
Reverse rainbow OutfitR reverse rainbow Clear "reverse rainbow" on any difficulty. 5000
Kokoro Outfit Mirai Kokoro Clear "Kokoro" on any difficulty. 5000
Cheerful Rin Mirai SING&SMILE Clear "SING&SMILE" on any difficulty. 5000
MousouGirl Rin Mirai Mousou Sketch Clear "Mousou Sketch" on any difficulty. 5000
ConductorCanary Mirai 1925 Clear "1925" on any difficulty. 5000
AdolescencePrincess Mirai Adolescence Clear "Adolescence" on any difficulty. 5000
RomeoCinderella Mirai Rin Romeo and Cinderella Clear "Romeo and Cinderella" on any difficulty. 5000
Rin AkuNoMusume Aku no Musume Clear "Aku no Musume" on any difficulty. 5000
Invisible Outfit Rin Invisible Clear "Invisible" on any difficulty. 5000
Costume melancholic Melancholic Clear "Melancholic" on any difficulty. 5000
1 2 Fanclub Outfit Rin 1 2 Fanclub Clear "1 2 Fan Club" on any difficulty. 5000
ElectricAngel Mirai Rin Electric Angel Clear "Electric Angel" on any difficulty. 5000
CA Rin Mirai Tricolore Airline Clear "Tricolore Airline" on any difficulty. 5000
PhantomThiefRin Mirai Piano × Forte × Scandal Clear "Piano × Forte × Scandal" on any difficulty. 5000
PoppinDelight Mirai shake it! Clear "shake it!" on any difficulty. 5000
Costume yukata rin Yukata Select "Dress-Up" on the main menu with Rin as the partner. 15000
PajamaPartyRin Mirai Pajama Party Rin Raise Rin's affection level to MAX level. 10000
MiracleStarResort Mirai Swimsuit N/A[note 1]

Kagamine Len[]

Image Outfit Name Unlock Conditions Mirai Points
Kagamine Len Mirai Kagamine Len Available at the start. N/A
BashfulParkaYellow Mirai Terekakushi Shishunki Clear "Terekakushi Shishunki" on any difficulty. 5000
Reverse rainbow OutfitKL reverse rainbow Clear "reverse rainbow" on any difficulty. 5000
Cheerful Len Mirai SING&SMILE Clear "SING&SMILE" on any difficulty. 5000
ConductorVermilion Mirai 1925 Clear "1925" on any difficulty. 5000
AdolescenceKnight Mirai Adolescence Clear "Adolescence" on any difficulty. 5000
Len AkuNoMeshitsukai Aku no Meshitsukai Clear "Aku no Meshitsukai" on any difficulty. 5000
IceFog Mirai Snowman Clear "Snowman" on any difficulty. 5000
BebopKnave Mirai shake it! Clear "shake it!" on any difficulty. 5000
Costume yukata len Yukata Select "Dress-Up" on the main menu with Len as the partner. 15000
PajamaPartyLen Mirai Pajamas Raise Len's affection level to MAX level. 10000
PopstarResort Mirai Swimsuit N/A[note 1]

Megurine Luka[]

Image Outfit Name Unlock Conditions Mirai Points
Megurine Luka Mirai Megurine Luka Available at the start. N/A
DoubutsuUranai Luka Animal Fortune-telling Clear "Animal Fortune-telling" on any difficulty. 5000
Reverse rainbow OutfitML reverse rainbow Clear "reverse rainbow" on any difficulty. 5000
Luka HappySynthesizer Happy Synthesizer Clear "Happy Synthesizer" on any difficulty. 5000
Cheerful Luka Mirai SING&SMILE Clear "SING&SMILE" on any difficulty. 5000
ConductorRose Mirai 1925 Clear "1925" on any difficulty. 5000
Pmc no logic No Logic Clear "No Logic" on any difficulty. 5000
RomeoCinderella Mirai Luka Romeo and Cinderella Clear "Romeo and Cinderella" on any difficulty. 5000
ElectricAngel Mirai Luka Electric Angel Clear "Electric Angel" on any difficulty. 5000
InterviewerLuka Mirai Interviewer Clear "Interviewer" on any difficulty. 5000
CA Luka Mirai Tricolore Airline Clear "Tricolore Airline" on any difficulty. 5000
Costume yukata luka Yukata Select "Dress-Up" on the main menu with Luka as the partner. 15000
PajamaPartyLuka Mirai Pajamas Raise Luka's affection level to MAX level. 10000
TwinkleResort Mirai Swimsuit N/A[note 1]


Image Outfit Name Unlock Conditions Mirai Points
KAITO Mirai KAITO Available at the start. N/A
BashfulParkaBlue Mirai Terekakushi Shishunki Clear "Terekakushi Shishunki" on any difficulty. 5000
KAITO CloverClub Outfit Clover♣Club Clear "Clover♣Club" on any difficulty. 5000
Cheerful KAITO Mirai SING&SMILE Clear "SING&SMILE" on any difficulty. 5000
ConductorSky Mirai 1925 Clear "1925" on any difficulty. 5000
PrinceBlanc Mirai Cendrillon Clear "Cendrillon" on any difficulty. 5000
KAITO OnTheRocks Mirai On The Rocks Clear "On The Rocks" on any difficulty. 5000
DiamondDust Mirai Snowman Clear "Snowman" on any difficulty. 5000
PhantomThiefKAITO Mirai Piano × Forte × Scandal Clear "Piano × Forte × Scandal" on any difficulty. 5000
DarkPrince Outfit Mirai Dark Prince Clear the PuyoPuyo 39! minigame with KAITO. 10000
Costume yukata kaito Yukata Select "Dress-Up" on the main menu with KAITO as the partner. 15000
PajamaPartyKAITO Mirai Pajamas Raise KAITO's affection level to MAX level. 10000
PlaidResort Mirai Swimsuit N/A[note 1]


Image Outfit Name Unlock Conditions Mirai Points
MEIKO Mirai MEIKO Available at the start. N/A
DoubutsuUranai MEIKO Animal Fortune-telling Clear "Animal Fortune-telling" on any difficulty. 5000
Cheerful MEIKO Mirai SING&SMILE Clear "SING&SMILE" on any difficulty. 5000
ConductorCrimsonWine Mirai 1925 Clear "1925" on any difficulty. 5000
MEIKO OnTheRocks On The Rocks Clear "On The Rocks" on any difficulty. 5000
CA MEIKO Mirai Tricolore Airline Clear "Tricolore Airline" on any difficulty. 5000
PhantomThiefMEIKO Mirai Piano × Forte × Scandal Clear "Piano × Forte × Scandal" on any difficulty. 5000
Costume yukata meiko Yukata Select "Dress-Up" on the main menu with MEIKO as the partner. 15000
PajamaPartyMEIKO Mirai Pajamas Raise MEIKO's affection level to MAX level. 10000
BicolorRibbonResort Mirai Swimsuit N/A[note 1]


Image Outfit Name Unlock Conditions Mirai Points
GUMI ProjectMirai GUMI Clear all GUMI-related songs. N/A
GUMI HappySynthesizer Happy Synthesizer Clear "Happy Synthesizer" 10 times on any difficulty.
GUMI Matryoshka Matryoshka Clear "Matryoshka" 10 times on any difficulty.
Invisible Outfit GUMI Invisible Clear "Invisible" 10 times on any difficulty.
1 2 Fanclub Outfit GUMI 1 2 Fanclub Clear "1 2 Fan Club" 10 times on any difficulty.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 This Outfit can only be used at the Mirai Resort Villa.

Main article | Outfits | Credits (Mirai 2, Mirai DX)